Eliminate heat soak problems with the RACE Intercooler spray Heat Defense System. Tune more aggressively. Run to the ragged edge. Dance with fate! Escape calm, cool, and collected every single time. The Race kits now feature a dual spray bar with 5 nozzles each for superior distribution and coverage.

Fine mist is wisely targeted at the hottest part of the intercooler. -typically, the area closest to the turbo. However, core surface area exposed to greatest airflow is where the fastest and most significant heat exchange will be done.

Most are already familiar with and impressed by water/methanol injection. A demanding and fancy cousin, it cools immediately from inside the engine. Whereas, the Intercooler spray is very easy on the wallet, simple to set up, and works over time from the outside. This makes it valuable for hard street use and on long rally special stages. -in the drag strip burn out box, too. "Pooooff..." Soaked heat will drift away with steam.

Don't have the budget for a big intercooler or water/meth injection system? This package will take the edge off easily and practically. If you DO have these toys, It's a final evolutionary step.

While under boost, an intercooler functions mostly as a heatsink. Intake air raises core temperature faster than the core can radiate it back into the atmosphere. Heat steadily "soaks" the core and reduces intercooling in the process. After a point, the intercooler can't cope and IATs soar. Performance drops while danger rises!

The RACE cooler spray emits an aerosol of distilled water (hot summer), or windshield washer fluid (all season), or typical 50/50 water/meth injection brew (cold winter). This fine mist flash evaporates and pulls heat out of the IC core.

Kits supply about 375cc/minute of spray at about 100psi pressure. Nozzles should be strategically arranged for optimal (often asymmetric) distribution upon the cooler's frontal area. Plumbing may be attached to the inside of a bumper cover, through grill slats, or attached to the bumper rebar with great ease and functional convenience. The farther the spray points are from the cooler surface, the more efficient the cooling.

Each spray bar holds multiple high-atomization misting nozzles for a total of 10 spray positions.

Results from 350hp 1.8T with front mount intercooler and just two spray heads. Test involved multiple heat cycles at 30 - 65mph average road speeds.

We recommend the following control scheme:

Trigger IC spray when...

A) at sustained moderate to high boost (prime conditions for IC core heat soak),
B ) not in 1st gear (launching or creeping in traffic),
C) not in 6th gear (light load/high air flow),
D) at velocity > 5 - 10mph (air flow is sufficient to evaporate fluid and thus exchange heat).

Kit Contents


  • 100psi pump with compression fittings
  • 20' of High Pressure Black Tubing
  • 2x compression Spray Bars
  • Compression Check Valve
  • Compression filtered self sealing tank tap
  • Compression Tee
  • Inline Fuse Holder with 10 amp fuse
  • 10' of each red and black wire
  • Zip ties and wire splices and mounts

  • stickers.

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Race intercooler Spray kit

  • Product Code: Race ICspray
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £208.29

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